Climate Action with Immersion

Immersion: Experience Climate Action was one of 43 projects funded under the Creative Climate Action Fund II. It brings together immersive story tellers from across the island to explore ways of engaging with the public on climate action. By collaborating with climate experts and community action groups, it was hoped that participants would gain a deep understanding of how climate action is perceived by the public, and new ways would be devised to capture the collective imagination.

Interim-CEO at Eirmersive, Camille Donegan presented at a recent Immersion workshop which was filmed by Creative Ireland.

“I came here today as part of the immersion project to share my VR production experiences platforms tools workflows to the artists here to hopefully give some inspiration. It makes sense that artists would lean in to the possibilities presented by immersive mediums like augmented reality mixed reality and virtual reality and artists don't necessarily need to know where the tech is at now or be limited by that because their imagination can push the boundaries of the tech possibilities”


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Eirmersive talks to Irish Tech News: Podcast