James Corbett James Corbett

Eirmersive Launches with a Celebration of Ireland’s Thriving Immersive Technology Sector

Eirmersive, the voice of the Irish Immersive Technology sector, launched its network at a special event on the 11th of September at the O'Reilly Theatre, Belvedere College, Dublin. This event marked a significant milestone for the sector, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and stakeholders to celebrate the achievements of Irish immersive technology companies and set the stage for future growth.

Dara Calleary TD, Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, was present to officially launch the Eirmersive network, met with the Irish Immersive companies demoing at the event, and addressed the large audience about the recognition from the government of the importance of the Irish Immersive Technology sector.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Join us for ‘Outward’ - now open for registration

We’re delighted to invite you to join Eirmersive at 7pm on 11th September in Dublin for ‘Outward’ where we're celebrating the achievements of Ireland's Immersive Technology sector as we launch our network and open for membership.

Our keynote speaker, Michael Barngrover, Managing Director of XR4Europe, will provide an overview of the European landscape in which our sector operates. He will also discuss key strategies from across Europe, including the Finnish Metaverse Strategy and EU Virtual World initiatives and related funding.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Community Connect - Have your say to help shape Ireland's Immersive Technology industry

On July 10th Eirmersive held a public webinar to update our community on developments in the organization, to share details on our funders & partners, to discuss our mission, vision and pillars, to introduce our team, to talk about our governance and to get input on the membership value proposition. You can see a recording of the presentation here.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Irish Construction sector embracing Immersive Tech

Eirmersive director James Corbett was invited by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) to speak at the June session of their Digital Skills series where “insights and innovations” are “shared by industry leaders”.

James appreciated the opportunity to speak about a number of Irish XR companies making an impact in the construction, and adjacent sectors, in a presentation entitled 'Immersive Technologies – Supporting Ireland’s Digital Transformation’.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Eirmersive participates at the first meeting of the Digital Creative Industries Forum

On the 18th April Eirmersive participated on the first meeting of the Digital Creative Industries Forum along with representatives from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (Creative Ireland Programme), Enterprise Ireland (EI), Údarás na Gaeltachta, Screen Ireland, Design and Crafts Council (DCCI), Institute of Design (IDI), IMIRT, The Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI), the Western Development Commission, the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Eirmersive announces Camille Donegan as interim CEO

Eirmersive is delighted to announce the appointment of Camille Donegan as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This appointment follows a busy six months of professionalisation for Eirmersive, supported by strategic funding from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media (DTCAGSM) to bolster the Digital Creative Industry Roadmap 2024-2026.

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James Corbett James Corbett

How to start a National XR Association in Europe

On June 17th, Eirmersive took part in an XR4Europe hosted webinar where we joined our European counterpart associations from Slovenia and Germany to talk about our histories and current activities, as well as sharing insights that might guide others in establishing organizations in their own regions.

During the conversation, we delved into our genesis and the decisions that kickstarted our journey. We looked at the activities that first took root and strengthened our community-building, how we started, built our network, financed activities, collaborated with other associations, and have evolved our services.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Ireland in danger of losing out on potential of Metaverse

Digital Business Ireland (DBI) — ‘Ireland's Dedicated eBusiness Representative Body’ — has called on Government to “introduce a comprehensive national strategy for the Metaverse, or risk losing out on economic growth possibilities associated with the initiative”.

Eirmersive director Camille Donegan added her voice to the call saying,…

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James Corbett James Corbett

RTE speaks to Eirmersive

It was a pleasure to speak with RTE business reporter Adam McGuire last week, along with some well known Eirmersive members. In the article entitled Reality check: Irish tech firms looking to go beyond the metaverse, Eirmersive director Camille Donegan expressed the positive side of Meta’s pivot to ‘The Metaverse’.

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James Corbett James Corbett

Showcasing XR to Local Authorities

Eirmersive was delighted to speak today with local authorities on the potential for creatives to upskill with immersive technologies. We’d like to thank Tania Banotti for the showcase opportunity and to see how the creative sector in Ireland is already embracing immersive. We're here to support their journey.

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James Corbett James Corbett

€500K Awarded To Develop VR Training for Renewable Wind Energy Sector - Eirmersive participation

Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB) have been awarded funding, through the SOLAS “Skills to Advance: Innovation through Collaboration” Call for Proposals 2021, to research and develop Immersive Technology (ImTech) Skills Training and Resources for the renewable wind energy sector using immersive technology enhanced-learning tools.

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